Canton POS

Classic Oil Painting: Impressionistic Landscape

Begins 09/14/2023, Ends 10/19/2023
Deadline to Register: 09-12-2023
6 Thursdays, 02:00 PM-04:00 PM
Room 102
Offering this 6-week course in-person with International instructor, Lin Luciano Fiore. Learn to paint stunning landscapes using water-soluble oils, a medium that offers all the benefits of regular oil paint without the unpleasant odors of turpentine. Master the techniques of the layering process to create light and airy, loosely painted, gorgeous landscapes with Classic Impressionistic simplicity. Gain a deep understanding of what makes a beautiful painting by following the process from start to finish, including the blocking-in and the addition of beautiful light. All skill levels welcome. Taken an oil class before? Lin works with each individual student to see them grow, sign up for multiple classes!
*Each participant is required to use Lin Luciano Fiore's personally chosen materials for this class.
*Class price includes all materials in a kit worth over $76 which you keep when the class is finished.
*Class instruction pricing: $175 (Cost for Members $140) +$76 for materials.