Canton POS

Session 3-B (Afternoon) - Creative Clay

Begins 07/15/2024, Ends 07/19/2024
Deadline to Register: 07-13-2024
5 Monday-Friday, 01:30 PM-03:30 PM
Room 101 or 102
Instructor: CMA Staff
Now offering this unique camp at CMA! Who doesn't love to play in the mud? Come explore the endless creativity of clay in this fun yet challenging camp. Campers will visit the CMA galleries and see famous ceramic pieces firsthand. Learn the process that clay goes through from beginning to end and even tour our professional ceramics studio. Create fun, decorative, and sculptural pieces to cherish always. Taken Creative Clay before? No problem, all projects and activities are brand new for 2024! (Families will need to make arrangements to pick up fired pieces 3-6 weeks after camp and will be emailed when ready.)